The Share-A-spaceTM Server Solution

The Share-A-spaceTM Server is the premier product lifecycle solution for the engineering supply chain.
It enables business partners to share specific product information without exposing the whole
information set and risking loss of IPR.

The Share-A-spaceTM Server complements existing engineering systems such as ERP, PLM and CAD.
The system provides a central repository for sharing engineering information that originates in different
IT-systems and locations. The consolidated information, made available only within the
Share-A-spaceTM Server environment, empowers the legacy systems and makes engineering data available
to all parties properly authorised.


Share-A-spaceTM Business Adaptors and Development Tools

The Share-A-spaceTM Product Suite complements the Share-A-spaceTM Server Solution with toolboxes,
software development kits (SDKs) and ready-made clients and interfaces. They enable adoptions to the
variety of systems and formats that builds up the intellectual capital in the engineering supply chain.

The Toolboxes and SDKs provide means which significantly reduces the time taken to develop and deploy
high quality PLCS implementations such as PLCS data importers, exporters and specialised integrations.

The PLCS Toolboxes are ideally suited for creating interfaces to legacy systems such as ERP and PLM,
thus making seamless import and export of PLCS data possible.

The Share-A-spaceTM Business Adaptors are the bridges you need to integrate your database with other
systems, letting you implement the solutions you have chosen quickly and easily. These ready-made
clients and interfaces provide extensions to existing systems like SAP®R/3®, SmarTeam® and RequisitePro®.

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